Sunday, 5 August 2012

S: Utilitarian case #2

ahuh ahuh I see I see. Indeed the murderer would seemingly cause more harm than the victim of the attack.
It seems I'll have to provide a different example to illustrate Utilitarianisms shitness. In one room there's a convicted rapist and murderer. In the other a man that no one knows, he lives a quiet life out in the forest where he splits his time between picking flowers and looking at the stars. Both are captured and put in a room. A Utilitarian is asked to push one of two buttons. Push button A and the hippie is killed. Push button B and the rapist is more gruesomely killed. The additional pain inflicted on the convict out ways any pleasure one would get from inflicting the pain on him. No one will ever know who is killed either way. Both the convict and the hippie lives are filled with an equal amount of pleasure.
The utilitarian would seemingly kill the Hippie as the death entails less pain. He would be content that he did the right thing. However that's a bit fucked cause the hippies a good cunt and the convicts not.

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